Paul Emery: Nevada City Live! presents A Tribute to Bob Dylan’s Self Portrait Sessions – CD release concert
$30 premium reserved seating
$20 general admission
Back in 2019, a year before the pandemic started, singer/songwriter Robert Heirendt got an inspiration to put together a tribute album to Bob Dylan’s 1970 album, “Self Portrait,” an album of mostly covers which was much maligned when it was first released. Robert invited some of his musical friends to contribute tracks taken from the Self Portrait recording sessions. The resulting album included 17 songs and was released on 6/8/20, the exact 50th anniversary of Dylan’s original release. It is not a track-by-track cover album, but rather a compilation of original versions of tunes that were recorded by Dylan during these sessions. It’s practically a cover album of a cover album.
Anton Barbeau & Julia VBH
Boston Ravine (Reunion)
Juliet Gobert & Homer Wills
Mark Growden
Robert Heirendt
The Moore Brothers
Michael Roe