Golden Stories of Our Past: Women’s Suffrage Premier
Friday, Sept. 10, 6:30 – 8:00 PM
Directed by Andrew Rolland, this film stars Chris Enss, Lynn Wenzel, Lisa Swarthout, Shannon Moon, Linda Jack, Janet Rankin, Brian Hamilton, Cory Fisher, and Shelly Covert telling the story of how Nevada County residents Aaron Sargent and Ellen Clark-Sargent were instrumental in winning the women’s right to vote with the signing of the 19th Amendment. Help us celebrate this momentous occasion Friday, September 10th at the Nevada Theatre. Doors open at 6:30. We will be dressed as Suffragettes for the premiere and invite you to join us! Beer, wine, and movie snacks are available for purchase.
Ticket prices are $12 for subscribers, $15 for non-subscribers.
Contact The Union, Deana Graydon for more information
530.477.4241 or by email.
Face coverings are required indoors regardless of vaccination status, as mandated by Nevada County. Social distancing is encouraged and tickets will be sold at a limited capacity.